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1. *United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA):* [UNRWA Official Website](


2. *Palestine Red Crescent Society:* [Palestine Red Crescent Society](


3. *Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP):* [Medical Aid for Palestinians](


4. *Palestinian Children's Relief Fund (PCRF):* [PCRF Official Website](


5. *Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC):* [Palestine Solidarity Campaign](


6. *Defense for Children International - Palestine (DCI-Palestine):* [DCI-Palestine Official Website](


7. *Human Appeal:* [Human Appeal](


8. *The Palestinian Medical Relief Society (PMRS):* [PMRS Official Website](


9. *Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders):* [MSF - Palestine](

10. *ESIM Connecting Gaza with ESIM cards 

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